What Applicable Attributes Experience Do You Have?

What applicable attributes experience do you have? This is your chance to really sell yourself on all your positive points, and your past achievements. Use it to give as much actual example as possible of how your personality traits will help you to carry out your duties. Reading into the job description will help to give you an idea of what the employer will be looking to hear in your answers to these questions.

Applicable Attributes Experience

Example Answers

#Answer 1

“I am an incredibly friendly and amicable person, and I love to help people, so I think that aspect of my personality will be a great player in my ability to be your new customer service manager.”

Related:  Tell Me Your Ability to Work Under Pressure

#Answer 2

“I am very fair and level headed, and I can see both sides of the story and make a fair judgment after taking all available information into account. I think it is this ability to be calm, cool and collected that will make me perfect at being overdue accounts handler, as I can appreciate that people can get into difficulties, but that the company needs paying, and can resolve situations fairly for both sides.”

#Answer 3

“I am very physically strong, and I don’t think many applicants realise that working in a bar does require some physical strength. In my last position I was the only member of staff capable of moving a full barrel for lager, before I started it would take two members of staff to change a barrel, and on quiet days that might mean the bar was left unattended.”

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#Answer 4

“I am very good at math, and can do sums very quickly and accurately in my head. This is a skill a lot of people lack these days, with technology everywhere. I believe being able to do these sums quickly is essential when dealing with clients in a bookmaker, where time is of the essence before the betting window opens.”

#Answer 5

“I have keen attention to detail, nothing much escapes my keen eye. I believe it is traits such as that, that will make me perfect for the position of proof reader.”

#Answer 6

“I have a very good memory, especially for names and faces. Being a door supervisor requires remembering who is barred from your venue, or who you might recognise as being a trouble maker from other venues you may have protected. My good memory also helps when having to relay details of offences or offenders to police, after a fast paced or adrenaline fuelled incident.”

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#Answer 7

“I have held my driving license for 25 years and during that time I have had no accidents, points or penalties, not even a parking ticket. I feel this exemplary record shows why I would be a fantastic candidate as a bus driver with your company.”

Good luck.

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